
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Quick Tips On Year End Reflection and New Year Planning

It's about that time that all entrepreneurs take this time to reflect on the passing year and begin planning the new year. This time can often be a time for celebration, deep reflection, insights, gratitude, disappointments, and hopefulness. Going deeper into ourselves in looking over our past and present relationships, our spirituality, our lives, and business can often put your physical body into "detox" mode. (As a matter of fact, I'm experiencing a slight spiritual detox in this moment.) Reflection back into the year can take up to a few hours in one day. That's about the time that it took me last year. During the year, I keep everything in a 12-month planner, daily, and weekly, so that at year end, it's easier for me to look back at information kept all in one place. My back office for numbers in business is kept online for reference (which I love) Everything you need to succeed in a home-business is literally at your finger-tips.
If you don't already have your life recorded for 2011, then now would be a good time to start for 2012. It's called "planning ahead."
So what are some of the topics that you can reflect on? I share these topics in the order that I have them as a priority in my life, yet yours may be in a different order too.
1. Your health "The Greatest Wealth Is Health" -Virgil
2. Your spirituality/personal growth "Peace in ourselves, peace in the world." -Thich Nhat Hanh"
3. Relationships/Family "Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden. Time, effort, and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep it flourishing and growing." -Jim Rohn
4. Business "When you know what you want, and you want it badly enough, you'll find a way to get it."-Jim Rohn
5. Finances "You don't get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to an hour."
6. Community/Giving "Happiness is not an accident. Nor is it something you wish for. Happiness is something you design." -Jim Rohn

And now when that reflection is over for 2011, start to "create" your 2012 in an exponential way. If this is your first time, then do allow yourself to make "baby-steps." What you don't want to do is disappoint yourself either, but I love what Joyce Meyer says ""I'd rather have BIG dreams and get half of it, then have nothing and get all of it." 

So there are some topics to start planning your year with. It's simple but not easy, and most of all, you will have to honor yourself with that time. I say "honor yourself" because I believe that the greatest gift you can give yourself, and to the world of your influence is your own personal development.
The greatest way to attract all that you want is to become attractive. Attractiveness comes from taking care of your needs and your life in a meaningful way to you that makes you feel vibrant, passionate, magnetic and energetic.
So to leave with you this, out with old, in with the new, finish any unfinished business that you need to take care of in 2011, then this way as we enter 2012, we all have a fresh clean slate!

With much love and light,

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Reintroducing Myself To The World of Blogging!

Yes, it's been a journey, and this "blogging thing" up until now, has been something I just haven't quite understood. I'm not sure if I've been the only person who tried this thing out and then somehow disappeared from its presence (I'm hoping I'm not). Moving forward with little that I know, I told myself "it's okay."
We start from where we left off and we move from here. It's interesting that when I first started to blog, I just really wanted to use this as a journal, a transparent journey from where I was to where I will be. With today's market, many use a blog to "brand" themselves, and their business. Quite honestly, I still don't get it. But, I'm willing to practice and get better. I love that Wayne Gretzky quote "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
I don't want to miss any shots. Today with a little knowledge of why we blog, is to share some valuable pieces of information with the world. From this stand point, then I can and only will share part of my journey and life's lessons. If I can take what I've learned and shorten the journey for some, then it's worth it. Up until now, I am not a journalist who is perfect at punctuation, or even writing, but that will not limit me...what you see, hear and feel is what you get. In hopes that the emotions of what I experience in everyday life is no different from what you feel. I believe we all go through the same things but at different intensities as my mentor has said.
So here I am...back in the game. When I get to that stage of wordpress, then I'll take it from there. As for now, here I am, right here on blogger. There is no use in feeling overwhelmed that I may not be where others are. I do know one thing for sure, I am exactly where I'm supposed to be and we're starting right here.

So cheers to this awesome journey of how I became a millionaire and how in this 21st century I'm able to share my previews with the world!

Much love and light,

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Anxiousness Is Unnecessary

Personal Development for today. Most friends who read this probably think I write this for them, but the truth is, I write them for me. I need them as much or more than the folks I write for.

No person can be confronted with a difficulty which he has not the strength to meet and subdue. With this in mind, remember, there is no problem or challenge that we ought to get "anxious" about. Every difficulty can be overcome if rightly dealt with; anxiety is, therefore, unnecessary.-Byways of Blessedness

What this means for me, is that, the Universe can only operate through clear channels of joy and positive energy. Anxiousness is a sign of resistance, therefore creating blocks for the Universal energy to work through me. Anxiousness occupies the minds attention on the situation, taking away precious energy that can be focused on ideas and growth.

There's also another great reason not be anxious about any difficulty we're facing today--it contains a lesson. And once you master it, you will be much stronger and wiser. Again, one of my favorite teachers, Emmett Fox, wrote, "It is the Law that any difficulties that can come to you at any time, no matter what they are, must be exactly what you need most at the moment, to enable you to take the next step forward by overcoming them. The only real misfortune, the only real tragedy, comes when we suffer without learning the lesson."

This is an incredible truth. The bible calls these "mountains." Without learning the lessons we can go around the same mountains over and over and over again until we meet with surrender to asking "what is the lesson here?"
Our life's map in reaching levels of mastery must be clear. What are the skills you need to learn to be successful in your company? What are the foundations to building a solid career that must be built first? You must know these things, because if you don't, this is what causes journeys around the same mountains. I am clear, on the steps I have mastered and I am clear on the steps that I am currently on to gaining mastery. And this I have mapped out. We must also be clear on where we are at with our current levels of personal development so we have a gauge of where we are starting and what areas we must choose to work on.

These are things worth thinking about and then put into a plan of decisive action. I quoted Lao Tzu in which there is a deeper truth to what he said "A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step."

I trust that we are all exactly where we need to be, and when we have learned our lessons and built up our skill, then we meet promotion.

With tremendous love and light,

Thursday, June 23, 2011

How To Create 7 Days of Awesome-ness!

Hi Friends, I thought I do a quick post on how to create seven days of awesome-ness (this may not be a word in the dictionary, but we live in the 21st century where creativity is welcomed right?) I thought this be a great way to start if you are new to the arena of personal development, understanding the law of attraction, like energy attracts like energy and or co-creating your day. Actually, I should ask you first if this would be okay with you? If you knew that you had the power to create seven awesome days, week by week, would this be good with you? Are you sure? Good. Because let me tell ya, you will meet challenges mid-day, or in the evening, but you must remind yourself what kind of day you have already declared. So are you ready for The Secret? I have imagined putting high energy adjectives before the day to create some of the most amazing days of my life! It works!

Let's imagine it's Monday, most of the world doesn't like Monday's. Personally I LOVE Mondays. (well, after this post, you'll see why I love all the days of the week) Most of the world will wake up on Monday murmuring about how they probably have to go to work or go to school etc. Well, maybe I just described you. I remember every waking day was a murmur for me too. I've come up with some creative solutions that you can use to begin planting in your mind, like seeds. When you read this you will remember, it's simple.

Personally, each day of the week, I call the day. For example, Monday can become Magical Monday, Magnificent Monday, Marvelous Monday, Money Attracting Monday! You get it right? You can include any adjective that is high powered with energy to creating the day. Words are containers for power. Words create our lives. The universe was created with "words." Something to think about...

Tuesdays can become Terrific Tuesday, Tantalizing Tuesday, or it could even become a Tremendous Tuesday! Whatever high energy positive adjective, attach it to the day to describe your intention for that day. Believe it and it works!  

Wednesday can become Wonderful Wednesday, Wealthy Wednesday, or even Wacky Wednesday to keep the hump day fun and extraordinary. Are you getting this?

Thursday can become Thoughtful Thursdays, Thrilling Thursdays, Thankful Thursdays, or even Talented Thursdays, where you declare using your incredible talents to enjoy and live the day!

Fridays can become (no not freaky!) lol! Fabulous Fridays, well..Fabulous has been the only power adjective I could think of. What would you come up with?

Saturdays become Sensational Saturday, Savvy Saturday, Sophisticated Saturday, or even Simple Saturday! You are now getting the hang of it aren't you? Good!!

Sundays for me become Soul-food Sunday! Include whatever Sunday's mean for you...

So now that you have been given my 7 tips to 7 days of Awesome-ness, you will begin to see some pretty amazing and or transformational days ahead! What you call out, you bring forth. And as the words you say bring back to you, like boomerangs all its magnificence, you will then believe you are the co-creator of your day!!

ps: This will also work if you put 'negative' high-powered adjectives in front of those days too.

Have fun!!

Much love,

Friday, June 10, 2011

How Do I Make Time?

Well, the truth is we don't make time, we create it! I've been hearing "where do I find time?" We've all heard about time management, but the real concept is learning how to manage "ourselves" in a 24 hour period. Here's a few tips that I can share with you if you're looking to better manage your life. 

If you're just getting started on your journey to becoming self-employed, I've learned that we must become the best CEO and the best employee. And if you're like most people who join the adventure part-time, this usually means that you already have a job, other activities, or caring for your children and families or all of the above.
My mentor taught me that there are 3 full-time jobs in a day. 24 hours divide that by 3 and there you have it! So if you're building a business part-time, you'll see that after you schedule the most important things that "have" to get done daily, you'll be able to find some "nooks and crannies" of time to take action. One of my mentors built her business from 3am-6am in the morning, not that you have to this today, but she was willing to give up sleep and at that time could not risk losing her job. My other mentor built her business part time in the "nooks and crannies" of her lunch break. Both are home free today.

One tool that comes in handy is having a day, month, and yearly planner. I'm still a little old school when it comes to being organized. I still push paper, and write everything down. This has worked the best for me, but find what would work best for you, especially because you'll have to look at it everyday and check things off. Franklin Day planners are great. I use the At-A-Glance scheduler which gives me everything I need. The trick is to find one that's large enough to write in, and keep all your appointments and priorities for your life.

Now look at the week, you want to fill in the blocks of time that you go to work, drop off the kids, pick up the kids, feed the kids, sports, etc. You want to fill in all those hours that are a must or a priority. You also want to include business conference calls, team calls, product calls and anything related to the building of your business. For example, if I look at Monday, my schedule has the hours from 7am to 9pm. Every hour can be scheduled and used. The key here is to find small blocks of time to be productive for your home-business or wellness coaching, or whatever vehicle you're currently in to designing your life.
The point is, is that anything can be accomplished, if it's written down. Being responsible for our time is crucial and it is precious commodity.
My priorities are scheduled as such and always in this order: 1. Spirituality (God, prayer, personal development, visualization, connection to Source) 2. Family 3. Herbalife (or company or business)
I may be bias to this but I strongly feel that scheduling time for yourself should be the first priority. I'm a strong believer in the principle of "you can't give away what you don't have." And so often, we neglect this part. Imagine our energy units given for the day. If we start the day empty by lunch time, we're already pulling hairs, losing our tempers and so forth. Again, in my opinion, connecting with something bigger than you will be vital in being whole and complete "daily." I wake up earlier just to get my time in. Discover and ask yourself what could fill you up emotionally and spiritually to start the day. 
The most successful thing I've done is to make the upfront decision that I was going to create my life using a schedule. I decided that I wasn't going to major in minor things and spend minor time on major things, especially because the industry we're in can be life-altering and destiny changing forever. My mentor also taught me that "Our business schedule is 'flexible' but NOT optional." By the end of the week, those goals better match up! Having a tough coach and mentor is wonderful because they know your goals and have the desire to see you succeed. 
Another thing to keep in mind, is that if this is a "new habit" for you, then you must begin now, and keep at it. Every week, you must fill in your schedule and follow it! Once I began doing this, I found that I had lots of time in a day. Believe it or not, I even have time to schedule a power nap. 
So are you ready? I know you are! Get your planners and work it. A schedule is like magic! 
Much love,
ps: I'd love to hear how this is working for you

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How Oprah Changed My Life

As I watch the farewell season to the Oprah Winfrey Show, I am moved by deep inspiration, gratitude and praise for the All That Is. I watched how many lives the show has touched including mine.
It was in 2005, that the 20th Anniversary series came out on DVD. My mentor told me to buy it and watch it as she blubbered how her perception was changed and her heart was opened. Seventy-two hours later, the facade I held up for years 27 was broken down. The heart that was hardened became open, and I cried for three days. It was in that moment, that I realized I had a mission and a purpose to fulfill. The emotion I experienced was raw. I felt vulnerable and open for the very first time in my life. I was beginning to understand my own compassion, to feel it, and to recognize the palpitating energy that was hidden deep within me. It was liberating! Anytime I felt that I needed to breakdown or breakthrough, I went back to the DVD.
One of the guests that inspired me was real angel, a life prophet, Mattie Stepanak. I was opened to how much wisdom, love and peace that spoke through him. It made me realize that he too was a cracked and broken clay jar with his disease, yet that did not stop God from using him and speaking through him.
It was the Christmas in Africa that brought the most tears to my eyes. Again, a breakthrough for me to believe that I too, can become an ultimate servant and an ultimate giver.
Throughout Oprah's last and final season, the underlying message beneath the story lines for me became about transparency, healing, imperfections, and love. Many who shared the stage had bitter wounds, yet each and everyone had gave us the hope of becoming better. We can always put the pieces back together again no matter what. This is what makes our story remarkable.
Oprah's Farewell Lessons:
4561 days of her life, she has given to the world. Amazing grace has been the constant in Oprah's life. She always "showed up" and on days when she was bone tired, she did it because it was her "calling." We are all called. Figure it out and get about the business of doing it. A calling is a passion that lights you up. Live from the heart of yourself. Know what sparks in you, so that you in your own way can illuminate the world. Each of us has a platform to operate and give from. For Oprah, it was the stage and the studio. But our platform can be anything and anywhere. This is where your power lies. There is where you "reach." You receive in the direct proportion to what you give. As we see, Oprah's platform was given to her as the stage in which this case has reached millions, therefore, she has received so much. Our platform to give can start in our families, at home, in the office, wherever that is, do it now. Never confuse service for fame. Begin to carry your life forward. Start embracing the life that is calling you, and use your life to serve the world. We all have a common connection, a thread that keeps us together. You are responsible for your life. You are responsible for the energy you bring to yourself and others. Take responsibility for the energy you bring into my space. -Jill Bolte Taylor
For every action, there is an equal or opposite reaction. People want to be validated. Validation means "I hear you, I see you, and what you say matters to me." Being born, alive here today validates our worthiness. We inheritantly block our blessings because we don't feel like we're worthy enough, pretty enough, thin enough, smart enough because of "unworthiness." Remember, you are here because you are worthy. 
Thank you Oprah Winfrey. You've taken down my walls, and have opened up my heart to all of who I am, all of who I can become. You've have shown me my possibilities of becoming the ultimate servant and giver. I love you. 
Much love,
Shannon Tecson